Some of the Family

Some of the Family
The Important things in life are not things

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Intro for the new Blog

I'm back online. In my first year at Uni. Learning how it is all done in the big world of the education system. Even though I was living in Waikato, there is no way I could go to Uni there. After they accepted that crap about Kerry Bolton that was full of lies they cant be taken serious as an education provider of truth. I went to Canterbury Uni a few years ago for my Social Work and just got through. But I passed. Now I am doing Sociology. Yep its full of lefty "do gooders". But some of them are OK. I can cope with it. A lot of rubbish is taught though. Bias and unproven things said as facts. But I'm lucky to be able to accept that's the way it is these days in all the state controlled systems.
I hope one day to be Qualified and able to publish my own stuff with proper research and facts to show our cause of European Culture preservation and the preparation for survival situations. Things don't stop being true just because I don't have the time do fight for them like I used to. Its incredible how many people think I have given up on what I believe in. I just got busy with the good things in my life, and tired of the many dramas in the wider Nationalist Movement, most importantly the Alcohol and even drug abuse along with immorality and issues that I just don't want around my family.
My God and Family are the most important things to me. I have a supportive loving wife. 7 Great children (20, 16, 11, 9, 6, 3, baby) and a grandson (4) who love me and who I spend much of my time with. I am more open now about my life and who I am. I used to be very guarded about my personal life. I now see it as just part of my progress, and if people want to know who I really am then they need to know about my precious gifts from God, my Wife, my Kids, my Mum and my mates/brothers.
I am fortunate to have great friends who have stood beside and behind me for years. Men who have been my advisers, comrades, funders, back up and brothers to me through many trials and success. There have been mistakes made, and I have lost some good men because of my character flours at times. But It was all part of the process, and I am left with the refined people who still stand with me. They are like my "Drushina" (band of friends) who have been in different groups with me and now stay in my life with many shared adventures.
I look ahead now, watching things progress and digress in different organisations. Designing presentations on Street subcultures in New Zealand, writing a short life story about my experiences with right wing groups.
This Blog will be the updates, the annoying things going on, the hypocrisy I see in the world, Government, University, Left Wing and their twisted views and bizar logic and anything else that just feels relevant.
In time I will do a paid site for short books and articles that have a public appeal (controversial).


  1. Just love to see you writing brother. Keep going. Show the truth. We know Media hide the real truth. Your Brother Peter krämer Sweden
